Expansion of the Galveston Bay Foundation’s Oyster Shell Recycling Program
Shannon Batte, Galveston Bay Foundation
Targeted Outreach for Green Infrastructure in Vulnerable Areas (TOGI): A Pilot Study Empowering Historically Underserved Communities in Resiliency Actions
Katlyn Fuentes, Chesapeake Research Consortium
Conservation Districts Partnering to Conserve our Nation's Coasts
Mariah MacKenzie, National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
Nature-Based Solutions: Community Volunteers Come Together to Help Defend a Vulnerable Coastal Town
Brittany Collins, The Nature Conservancy
Barge-ing Ahead for the Bay: The Prudence H. and Louis F. Ryan Mobile Oyster Restoration Center for Remote Setting
Julie Luecke, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Going Further, Together: Values and Benefits of a Large Scale Regional Collaborative Group
Lorie Staver, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Shorebird Science and Conservation Collective, A New Project to Translate Shorebird Tracking Data into On-The-Ground Conservation.
Candace Stenzel, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
Everyone Poops - Keeping Waste of Out Puget Sound One Load at a Time
Jeff Barney, NW Mobile Pumpout and Environmental Services
Crowd Sourcing Plastic Pollution Data Throughout the United States
Tracy Weatherall, Mission-Aransas NERR
Lessons Learned While Restoring Oysters to New York Harbor
Jennifer Zhu, Billion Oyster Project
Spreading Awareness and Prevention of Marine Debris through Community Cleanup Events
Jessi James, Mississippi State University Extension Service
Science in Action: Evaluating the Application of CTP Skills and Knowledge to Decision Making
Patricia Hopp, ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve, NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholar
Fostering Water Quality Management and Flood Resilience with the Coast Watershed Game
Brenna Sweetman, NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Risk Communication: A Campaign for Coastal New Jersey
Devon Blair, NJDEP
The New and Improved NOAA NCEI Coastal Water Temperature Guide
Jennifer Webster, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Oyster Reef Exploration: Using Virtual Reality as a Method of Science Communication
Katherine Harris, University of Central Florida
Taking a Grassroots Approach: Local Community Science Partnership Pilots Environmental Justice Field Study for Phytoremediation Potential of Grasses on Common Contaminants in a Coastal Urban Park
Jacqueline Wu, Randall's Island Park Alliance
Community Ambassadors: Learning from Outreach for a Largescale Living Shoreline Project in South Carolina
Nicole Pehl, The Nature Conservancy
Partnerships in Action: Integrating Estuary Restoration Techniques into Recreational Angling and Education
Kevin Swain, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
WETshop: A Wetland Teacher Experience for Louisiana's Educators
Lindsay Seely, LA Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Stories from the Alabama Waterfront: Preserving the Oral Histories of Bayou La Batre
Jody Thompson, Auburn University
Using TNC Mapping Tools & Community Engagement to Enable Local Coastal Resilience Projects
Susan Bates, The Nature Conservancy
People of Guana: Collaborative Science, Heritage, and Working with Descendent Communities
Glenda Simmons-Jenkins, Florida Public Archaeology Network and Gullah/Geechee Nation
A Literature Review for Salt Marsh Insurance Feasibility Pilot Project
Hannah Crawford, The Nature Conservatory / Northeastern University
Flooding the Gulf: The Federal Response to a Declared Fishery Disaster Under the Magnuson-Stevens Act
Dave Storment, Louisiana Sea Grant / Louisiana State University
Uniting Partners and Resources to Protect Central and Southwest Florida’s Future Water, Wildlife, and Habitat: a Habitat Restoration Needs Plan for the Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership Area
Nicole Iadevaia, Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP)
Supporting Water Resources Planning through Long-Term Hydrological Monitoring in Texas Bays and Estuaries
Zulimar Lucena, U.S. Geological Survey
California Coastal Commission Whale Tail Grant Program Equity Analysis
Korrin Davis, California Coastal Commission
Planning for Everglades Restoration Success: Overview of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Adaptive Management
Michael Simmons, Jessica Dell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Equity of Living Shoreline Access in Pinellas County
Linden Cheek, University of South Florida
Barriers and Enablers of Living Shorelines in Florida
Carlie Dario, University of Miami
Developing a Louisiana Living Shorelines Permitting Guide
Sarah Morgan, Louisiana Sea Grant Law & Policy Program/Loyola Law School
Vulnerability and Resilience of U.S. Coastal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise
Kelly Van Baalen, Climate Central
Using Performance Measures for Restoration Evaluation and Assessment in the Florida Everglades
Tasso Cocoves, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The Everglades Vulnerability Analysis: An Iterative and Integrative Tool to Address Systemwide Uncertainties and Inform Decision-Making
Jenna May, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
The REstoration, COordination, and VERification (RECOVER) Mission: Evaluating and Assessing Everglades Restoration
Rodrigo Sedeno, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The Community Playbook for Healthy Waterways: Strategic Planning for Holistic Community Action
Jon Thaxton, Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Leading Legislation: The Value of the Coastal Wetlands, Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act
Kacie Wright, Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA)
Land Acquisition for Estuarine Conservation and Management: Leveraging Community Partnerships in Response to Rising Costs and Competition
Savannah Horton, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Collaboration Across the Coast: Public-Private Partnership Opportunities to Restore Louisiana’s Ecological Communities
Jessica Converse, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
Recommendations to Reduce Coastal Wetland Loss through Interagency Collaboration
Susan-Marie Stedman, NOAA Fisheries
Restoration and Management of the Lower Perdido Islands in Orange Beach, AL
Kate Dawson, Moffatt & Nichol
A Model Approach to Ecological & Community Resilience in Oxford, Maryland
Amanda Poskaitis, National Wildlife Federation
Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Texas and the Limitations of Developing a Standard Methodology
Victoria Salgado, AECOM
Estimating the Vulnerability of the Property Protection Ecosystem Service of Tidal Wetlands to Climate Change
Christina Folger, U.S. EPA/ORD/CPHEA/PESD
Quantifying the Community Benefits of a Tidal Wetland Restoration Project in Oregon
Lauren Senkyr, NOAA Restoration Center
Resiliency for Compound Flooding: Preventing a Neighborhood from Being Stranded
John Frey, Weston & Sampson Engineers
Keeping It in the System: Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment to Increase Resiliency
Susan Cohen, University of North Carolina
Undoing the Past and Putting the Wet Back into Wetlands: The Chocolate Bay Prairie Unit Example
Michael Lane, Freese and Nichols, Inc.
What Happens to a Wetland Ecosystem When Hydrological Issues Meet Environmental Policy Limitations?
Chloe Van Grootheest, Huntington Beach Wetland Conservancy
Understanding Bayou La Batre’s Marine Economy
Marian Hanisko, NOAA Office for Coastal Management
The Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification's Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification.
Courtney Cochran, NOAA Ocean Acidification Program
Destin – Fort Walton Beach: Local government support for ecological research, restoration, and eco-tourism to improve quality of life.
Michael Norberg, Okaloosa County Coastal Resources
Looking Forward: Conservation Goals for the San Francisco Bay Area's Estuary for 2035
Nikki Roach, SF Bay Joint Venture
Advancing the Science of Coastal Ecosystem Restoration
Christopher Miller, USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center
Greening Up Gray Shorelines: Implementing a Green Bulkhead as a Means of Ecological Uplift
Taylor Beck, DNREC Division of Coastal, Climate and Energy
Flooding Impacts of Hurricane Ian in Charlotte Harbor (Florida): What Was the Mitigation Role of Coastal Wetlands?
Megan Kramer, University of South Florida
Living Shoreline Solutions with Tied Concrete Block Mat
John Slupecki, Motz Enterprises, Inc.
Living Shoreline and Oyster Reef Creation to Improve Water Quality and Resiliency along Forked River Beach, Lacey Township, NJ
Capt. Al Modjeski, American Littoral Society
Implementing Oyster- and Natural Fiber-based Living Shoreline Approaches to Reduce Shoreline Erosion and Saltmarsh Habitat Loss in South Carolina, USA in order to Increase Coastal Resiliency
Graham Wagner, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Restoring Ecologically Beneficial and Resilient Infrastructure at the Mouth of the Maurice River
Shane Godshall, American Littoral Society
Examining Sediment Contaminant Levels in Living Shorelines in Comparison to Both Natural and Armored Shorelines in Galveston Bay, Texas.
Ryan Gilbert, Lee College/University of Houston-Clear Lake
Examining Sediment Macrobenthic, Microbial, and Nekton Communities in Living Shoreline Restoration Sites in Galveston Bay, Texas
Myrah Urquidez, Lee College/UHCL
Examining Shoreline Stability and Restored Plant Communities of Living Shorelines in Galveston Bay, Texas
Ashley Van Wieren, Lee College/UHCL
Restoring Piping Plover (Charadrius Melodus Melodus) Habitat using Living Shorelines and Nature-Based Solutions
Kirsten Ellis, CBWES Inc.
Jean Lafitte Shoreline Protection Project: Modifying Shoreline Energy Conditions to Restore Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Thomas Cancienne, Stantec
Coastal Restoration Activities at MacDill Air Force Base
Tiffany Lane, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application of a Novel Living Shoreline Model to Compute Ecosystem Restoration Benefits
Emma Dodsworth, Virginia Institute of Marine Science/ William & Mary
Preliminary Results from the Upper Galveston Bay Sustainable Oyster Reef Restoration Project: the Influence of ENSO on Monitoring Results and Project Performance
William Rodney, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Shoreline Loss of Historical Importance: Using 210Pb and 137Cs to Calculate Sediment Accumulation
Sarah Ashley, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Documenting >40 Years of Benefits Derived from Nature-Based Wetland Creation Projects
Jacob Berkowitz, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Created Wetlands for the Reduction of Organic Loading, a Case Study at Myrtle Grove, LA
Robert Lane, Comite Resources
Where Are We Now? Integrating Site-Specific Observations and Modeling to Manage a National Preserve in the Mississippi River Delta
Julie Whitbeck, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Development and Deployment of a Long-Term Benthic Oxygen Flux System
Jeff Coogan, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The Adaptation of the Ecodisk to Maximize Wave Attenuation & Ecological Benefits
Phillip Todd, Atlantic Reefmaker
Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Imagery Analysis in Classifying Coastal Marsh Vegetation and Habitat
Seth Chapman, Louisiana State University Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
Using a UAV to Monitor Short-term Geomorphological Changes on Crab Bank, a Restored Shorebird Nesting Sanctuary in the Charleston Harbor Estuary
Gary Sundin, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Twenty Years of Data and Counting: NCEI’s Hypoxia Watch as a Tool for Near-Real Time Monitoring of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Event
Courtney Bouchard, NOAA/NCEI
Full-Capture Devices for Plastic Pellets (Nurdles)
Henry Hunt, Roscoe Moss Company
2021 Peconic Estuary Annual Water Quality Report; Are We Meeting Our Goals for a Healthy Estuary?
Sara Cernadas-Martin, Peconic Estuary Partnership
Moving Water to Restore Rivers Wetlands and Estuaries in Central and Southwest Florida
Nicole Iadevaia, Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership (CHNEP)
Ida's Lasting Impact: The Barataria Preserve's Immobilized Salinity
Aaron Gondran, National Park Service
Effects of Drought, Pulsed Freshwater Inflows and Nutrients Imported from the Gulf of Mexico on Primary Production and Water Quality in the Mission-Aransas Estuary
Edward Buskey, University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Ribbed Mussels Enhance Pelagic-To-Benthic Transports of Marine-Derived Nitrogen through Faunal Engineering
Sydney Williams, University of Florida
Developing Techniques for Long Term Chlorophyll a Monitoring in Estuarine Systems
Emalee Swisshelm, University of New Orleans
Do Prescribed Burns Yield Enhanced Carbon Storage in Salt Marshes? A Comparative Assessment in Delaware Salt Marshes with Varied Burn Histories
Christopher Kelly, School of Marine Science and Policy, College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, University of Delaware
Air-Water Gas Exchange Over Temperate Seagrass Meadows
Kayleigh Granville, University of Virginia
Louisiana Coastwide Avian Restoration, Monitoring and Adaptive Management
Jon Wiebe, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Mitigating the Effects of a Large River Diversion on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) using Ridge Restoration: Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA
Denise Reed, University of New Orleans
Implementation and Preliminary Monitoring of the Truro-Onslow Dyke Realignment and Tidal Wetland Restoration Project.
Jennie Graham, CBWES Inc.
Understanding the Effects of Managed Realignment on Ecosystem Recovery and Nature-Based Climate Adaptation Functions of Tidal Wetlands in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
Kailey Nichols, Saint Mary's University & CBWES Inc.
Understanding Parameters for Site Characterization and their Influence on Restoration Trajectory in Tidal Marshes in Nova Scotia, Canada
Kayla Williams, Saint Mary's University & CBWES Inc.
Making Room for Wetlands: Implementation of Managed Realignment & Salt Marsh Restoration to Enhance Resilience of Dykeland Communities to Climate Change in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
Tony Bowron, CBWES Inc.
Building Elevation in Mangrove Communities: Use of Regional Sediment Management to Increase Coastal Wetland Resilience to Sea Level Rise.
Gina Paduano Ralph, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Foundational Dune Grass Growth Is Enhanced by Atlantic Ghost Crabs (Ocypode Quadrata)
Joseph Morton, University of Florida
Storm Influence on Soil Properties of a Saltmarsh in Barataria Basin, LA
Matthew Parker, Louisiana State University
Belle Isle Marsh: Assessing the Climate Vulnerability Potential Adaptation of Boston's Largest Salt Marsh
Grace Medley, Woods Hole Group
Design of Marsh Rim Buffer at Black Bay in St. Bernard Parish
Matt Salmon, Freese and Nichols
Poplar Island and Sabine National Wildlife Refuge as Case Studies for Marsh Restoration Trajectories
Safra Altman, USACE Engineer Research and Development Center
Phragmites Australis (Common Reed) Fitness and Morphology Along a Salinity Gradient in a Long Term Restoration Project
Alizia Rhodes, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Evaluation of Louisiana Ecotypes of Saltgrass for Selection and Use in Salt Marshes of the Coastal Zone of Louisiana
Garret Thomassie, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Restoring Louisiana Coastal Marsh Habitat through Sustainable Sediment Beneficial Use Practices
Andrew McQueen, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Coastal Plain Stream, Floodplain and Wetland Restoration Using Wood Structures Harvested from the Project Site
Joe Berg, Biohabitats
Examining the impacts of coastal development and mangrove coverage on oyster abundances in Mosquito Lagoon, FL
Emily Suchonic, University of Central Florida
Piloting Seagrass Restoration in Mosquito Lagoon, FL
Gabriel Benson, University of Central Florida
Unravelling Feedbacks Preventing Seagrass Colonization
Beatriz Marin-Diaz, University of Florida
Harnessing Natural Succession to Enhance Coastal Dune Restoration
Hallie Fischman, University of Florida
Comparing Spotted Gar Reproductive Potential and Body Condition in Connected and Disconnected Floodplains
Emily Ott, Nicholls State University
Assessing Landscape Resistance at a Gulf Coast Essential Fish Habitat Restoration Site
Casey Craig, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Restoring the New Jersey Meadowlands - Understanding the Role of Sawmill Creek’s Tidal Wetlands in Minimizing Climate Change Vulnerability
Terry Doss, Meadowlands Research & Restoration Institute - NJ Sports & Exposition Authority
Comparing Oyster Restoration Approaches on Grass Island Reef, Aransas Bay, Texas
Emma Clarkson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
The Impacts of pH Manipulation on Pre-Settlement Oyster Larvae in a Hatchery Setting
Leslie Townsell, University of Georgia
Use of Enhancement Structures to Restore Oysters and Increase Biodiversity in the Lower Hudson River
Allison Fitzgerald, New Jersey City University
Experimental Olympia Oyster Restoration in the Salish Sea; South Puget Sound
Jeff Barney, Pierce County Floodplain and Watershed Services
Developing a Coastwide Habitat Suitability Index to Guide Oyster Restoration Planning in Coastal Louisiana
Brandon Champagne, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
A Comparative Analysis into the Ecology of Crassostrea Virginica Population Health in the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico
Leila Avery, Loyola University New Orleans
How Low Can You Go? Expanding Oyster Tidal Niche with Induced Predator Defenses
Carter Lin, Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Zinc Incorporation During the Molting Cycle of Blue Crabs, Callinectes Sapidus
Lauren Eagon, Nicholls State University
Preliminary Study to Link Sediment Microplastics to the Shorebird Food Web in Caven Point, Liberty State Park (Jersey City, NJ)
Robert Belibrov, New Jersey City University
Effect of Sea-Level Rise Induced Salinity and Inundation Regimes on Mature Bald Cypress (Taxodium Distichum) Stands of Southeast Louisiana
Blair Miller, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Proactive Landscape Coastal Habitat Protection in Alaska
Michael Daigneault, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Thermal Tolerance Variation in Young-Of-The-Year Winter Flounder Across the Southern New England Region
Geresa-Leigh Luke, Stonybrook University
Comparison of Finfish and Crustacean Assemblages Among Established Marsh Terraces, New Marsh Terraces and Open Water in a Restored Brackish Marsh
Shasta Kamara, Nicholls State University
Tracing Energetic Connectivity Across Restored and Reference Salt Marsh Landscape Mosaics
Katherine Loesser, Louisiana State University
A Survey of Benthic Invertebrates in Saw Mill Creek, Hackensack River NJ
Ebony Chilin, New Jersey City University
Sustainable Ecological Enhancement of Port Infrastructure: Port of San Diego
Heather Weitzner, ECOncrete
Mapping Habitat Suitability for Culturally Significant Plants in the South Slough Watershed in Oregon
Tehani Malterre, NOAA/South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (student at University of Hawaii at Manoa)
City of Charleston, SC Church Creek Stormwater Basin Study: Restoration of Tidal Flow and Flood Mitigation
Robert Horner, Weston & Sampson
Monitoring Animal Use of Stabilized Shorelines with Wildlife Trail Cameras
Paul Sacks, Biology Department, Coastal and Estuarine Ecology Lab, University of Central Florida
Experimental Oyster Reef Restoration along the Mississippi Coastline
Amy Yarnall, USACE Engineer Research and Development Center
Oyster Reef Restoration Using Novel Biodegradable Elements in the Indian River Lagoon, FL
Luciana Banquero, University of Central Florida
Dynamic Living Shorelines: An Innovative Union of Shoreline Protection and Habitat Enhancement
Joshua Hansen, Underwood & Associates
True Restoration: Regenerative Stream Channel (RSC) As An Integrated Approach To Restore River-Wetland Corridors To Pre-Civilization Times.
Chris Becraft, Underwood & Associates
Understanding and undertaking the science needed to support Puget Sound ecosystem recovery
Scott Redman, Puget Sound Partnership