2022 Coastal & Estuarine Summit
Hosted by Restore America's Estuaries
New Orleans, LA | December 4-8, 2022
Using your Grant Programs to Improve DEIJ
Thursday, December 8, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Camp

75 participants; $30

If the registration fee is an impediment to registration, please contact: eschwartz@estuaries.org.

Noting that society has under-invested in conservation and restoration throughout our coastal communities, there is additional research showing restoration funding mechanisms have under invested in environmental justice communities. The gap perpetuates the disparities between healthy ecosystems benefiting healthier communities and unhealthy ecosystems near less healthy communities. While there are many reasons for these gaps, this workshop will focus on using your grants process to help foster grant processes that can benefit all coastal communities and coastal ecosystems. The workshop will address:

  1. Establishing grant priorities that serve environmental justice communities
  2. Developing an outreach and engagement program
  3. Designing a grant application process that enables new applicants to apply
  4. Supporting awardees through the project process
  5. Facilitating an expansion of the initial grant based on program results