In-State Approaches to Planning for Resilient Coastlines and Communities
Wed, 7 Dec, 10:30 - 12:00 Central Time (UTC -6)
Location: Fulton
Moderator: Kristiane Huber, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Track: Planning, Policy and Advocacy
Coastal states in the U.S. are facing unprecedented and growing threats from severe storms, coastal erosion, and sea level rise. Many of these states are taking action, with a growing number working to develop specialized resilience strategies that emphasize watershed-scale solutions, updated development codes, and the use of nature-based mitigation strategies. Through participation in the Coastal Zone Management Act and with technical assistance and funding through the Coastal Zone Enhancement Program, coastal states are also pursuing comprehensive and federally-coordinated planning for coastal hazards, land use, economic development and conservation. Recent research released by the State Resilience Partnership looked across coastal and statewide flood resilience plans and found gaps in how states are considering future risk, engaging grassroots stakeholders as part of a co-designed planning process, and addressing the needs of low-income neighborhoods and communities of color through targeted assistance. This panel of state officials, national and local nonprofits will present how these plans have been aligned often across agencies, geographies and objectives in states that have coastal and flood resilience plans. Panelists will also discuss how planning and taking resilience action can be better integrated at federal, state and local levels of government and across agencies to result in communities and ecosystems that can thrive in a changing climate.
The State of State Resilience Planning
Resilience in Coastal Management
The North Carolina Flood Resilience and Coastal Habitat Nexus
Coastal and Flood Resilience: State Policy and Community Engagement in New Jersey
Community Engagement and Relationship-Building: Lessons from Louisiana and Beyond